Sculpture Installations at The Kittery Art Association
We are pleased to present several long-term outdoor sculpture installations.
Learn more about the current works that are on view at the KAA grounds.
Please email us at info@kitteryartassociation.org for inquiries and pricing.
Decomposing Seaweed
Thomas Berger
Milford Pink granite, 2022
This sculpture was inspired by pieces of decomposing seaweed washing up at the beach.
As the seaweeds are disintegrating, perforations are growing to the point that there are more holes than remaining plant tissue. The seaweed gets consumed by numerous organisms and is recycled into new lives.
The Dancer
Asia Scudder
Steel + Enamel
Image: www.asiascudder.com
Asia Scudder
Image: www.asiascudder.com