David Lussier joins us at The Kittery Art Association on Tuesday September 19th from 7-9 pm for a demonstration of Alla Prima Painting. The term Alla Prima means 'At One Go'. In his remarkable treatise 'In Praise of Painterly Painters', the late artist, author and teacher, Charles Movalli wrote; painterly painters are surrounded by seeming contradictions. They finish by not finishing, include by leaving out, paint more by painting less. Their means are easy to see, the results, immediately felt. But how such seemingly insufficient means lead to these results is a mystery.
David will demonstrate the Alla Prima method and show how economy of stroke is within every painters grasp if they are willing to approach the painting process with a 'Less Is More' mind set. As he paints, David will explain how to look at the world as shapes of color and value and not as individual objects. He will talk about his palette which consists of 5 tubed colors and white and how he mixes his chromatic color harmony palette from these 5 colors and how he simplifies every aspect of the painting process in order to get at the essence of his subject.
Admission: $20/person, please pay at the door when you enter the gallery on the night of the demo.
Please preregister for the event using the form at the bottom of this page.
Doors: 6:30 pm
Please preregister for the David Lussier Alla Prima Oil Painting Demo using this form: