Even in the moments before the gallery opened for the reception, there was a buzz in the air. Volunteers busily making sure everything was just so – snacks and wine, sharpies and name tags.  This month, we took a risk, daring to go where we haven’t gone before. By using a magnetic hanging system, we were able to accept unframed works on paper, hence the title of the show. Trepidation abounded the night before the installation, all pieces laid on the drop cloths following a long day of art intake – yet the result was well worth it. The gallery has been transformed, the exhibiting pieces coming together in a blend of brightly colored paints, dark inks, and even simple graphite. In this show, even the paper itself is brought under the spotlight, in well deserved recognition. The proverbial doors opened (it is still February in Maine, after all) and the first guests started to stream in. The slow-building energy quickly grew to a cacophony well matched to that of the art on the walls – eclectic, and inviting, unframed pieces nestled between those framed, creating a beautiful and unique cohesion.

Soon, the gallery was packed, echoes of laughter and conversation bouncing around the room as artists and supporters mingled between the colorful displays. Like pollinators bouncing among a field of wildflowers, guests were drawn to the stunning display by spotlight artist BJ Glanville, and her exhibit, 100 Days. Spanning the back wall of the gallery is evidence of the title: 100 pieces, 100 days, and countless hours of creation. Admirers were shoulder to shoulder, viewing both the pieces up close, observing the small details of the thread, fabric, and paper, and from afar, in an attempt to absorb the whole picture. Like a butterfly herself, Glanville was everywhere, talking to everyone, exuding a warmth that carried throughout the evening, and within the wonderful artist talk she gave. By the end of the evening, she had sold more than a quarter of the 100 pieces! Amazing news, as 25% of the proceeds of Glanville’s work are off to Seacoast Pathways.

Take A Risk and Works On Paper are on view at The Kittery Art Association from February 20th through March 16th, 2025.